RAFFLE NOW CLOSED. We are processing entries and will draw a winner on Monday, February 17th. Once we have made contact with the winner, we will announce on our social media accounts. Thank you!
This season’s raffle is special and close to our hearts as it celebrates one of the most important things in life – family. Middleton Clay Project has created a beautiful handmade pot infused with horsehair from Amadeo, Blossom, and their son Junior. Of the three, Blossom remains living at the CWHF’s farm on the mainland. Both Amadeo and Junior are no longer with us, but their memory lives on in this one-of-a-kind piece Michael Middleton has generously donated for this raffle.
Each raffle ticket is $7. Add this item to your cart to purchase your ticket(s) and continue to the checkout. Your order number will be entered into the raffle multiple times, equaling the quantity of your purchased ticket. Tickets can be purchased until 5 pm February 14th. The winner will be drawn and announced on CWHF social media channels after we communicate with the winner! The pot will be shipped to the winner.
Good luck, and thank you for your support.
About the family:
Amadeo and Blossom in the wild
Amadeo – Amadeo was rescued in 2012. After getting into a fight with another stallion and losing his vision, he was pushed out into the ocean where he nearly drowned. Corolla Ocean Rescue was able to save Amadeo and get him safely to shore where CWHF intervened and took him to the rescue farm. Amadeo was in shock and exhausted, but he survived. For eight years, he was an integral part of the Fund’s education and outreach program. He was a sweet, smart, trusting stallion with a bit of a stubborn side, which was one of the things we loved most about him. He passed away from old age in 2020.
Blossom at the farm
Blossom – Blossom was one of the oldest horses in the wild herd before her rescue in October 2023. She was rescued after a resident called to report that she was unable to move or put weight on one of her front legs. Our vet took x-rays and found that she had severely torn a ligament. Due to her age, it was decided the best option for recovery would be letting the ligament heal and fuse itself. Now in her early thirties, she is happy and comfortable on the farm. Blossom currently shares a paddock with her daughter June.
Junior and Blossom in the wild
Junior – Junior, son of Amadeo and Blossom, lived a long and full life in the wild prior to his rescue in 2021. In his early twenties at the time, Junior ingested an apple and suffered a choke. Intervention was essential in saving his life, and against the odds, he survived. For nearly four years, Junior brought joy to everyone who knew him on the rescue farm. He was an excellent representative of the Banker breed with a striking presence so like his father. In January 2023, Junior colicked and underwent intense surgery at NC State where several feet of his intestine were removed. A year later, this happened again, and Junior had a second surgery. We knew that he would not be a candidate for a third surgery, so when he colicked again in June 2024, we were prepared but of course heartbroken to say goodbye. He was a special stallion and is dearly missed.
Junior at the farm
Pot generously donated by our friends at Middleton Clay Project: