Entries by Corolla Wild Horse Fund

Junior is home!

Junior is home! He has settled in and seems comfortable and happy. He’s got to stay in a stall for the next 30 days, but we took out a wall […]

Welcome Cricket!

May 5, 2022 Our newest foal has made her first public appearance! She was born on Tuesday, and her name is Cricket. This brings the 2022 count to six so […]

Hello Charlie!

March 25,2022 Foaling season has officially begun! Welcome to the world, baby number one – a colt we are calling Charlie. Please remember to give mares and foals plenty of […]

Brio Update

March 14, 2022 Report by Meg Puckett, Herd Manager   It’s been exactly a week since we rescued Brio, and we are happy to report today that he continues to […]

Meet Brio, Baby Number Eight

July 20, 2021 Post from Herd Manager, Meg Puckett Welcome foal #8! This little colt was born sometime Sunday night, probably during the thunderstorms that rolled through. Our herd manager […]