Elvis has arrived!

If you’ve been following us for a while you probably remember hearing about Alma, the young mare who was ostracized from her harem when she was two years old. She was a little lost for a while, but eventually found a group that accepted her.
We are very excited to announce today that Alma had her first foal! She is currently with the harem that Eowyn is a part of, which is great. It’s always nice when foals can grow up with each other. We hope that Alma stays with this harem – they are very stable, and the stallion is very protective. Alma is being a good mom and her colt, who we’ve named Elvis, is perfect! He was most likely born Sunday night or Monday.
We are so glad that we did not intervene and remove Alma from the wild when she was struggling to find her place in the herd. It was difficult for people to watch, but we knew that in the grand scheme of things she was safe and just needed a little more time to mature and figure things out. These situations are often beyond the scope of our control and sometimes you just have to trust that nature will work out like it should, one way or the other. In this case, it seems to have worked out for the best and we are very excited to welcome Alma’s first foal to the herd.
New foals are very exciting, especially when they are out on the beach, but please do not let your excitement get in the way of following the rules. They are in place to keep you and the horses safe. Remember to give them plenty of space – 50ft at minimum. If you’re wondering if you’re too close, you probably are. Always err on the side of caution and help us make sure Elvis, Eowyn, Ezra, and Eros have a long, bright, WILD future ahead of them!

It’s a Girl!

 This is the foal we first saw a couple weeks ago but were unable to determine the sex of. Today we confirmed it is indeed a filly.
Her mother’s name is Arwen and the stallion they’re with (most likely the sire but only DNA will tell for sure) is named Rohan. So since it’s an E year we of course had to go with the name Eowyn for this filly. Someone on staff is kind of a big Lord of the Rings fan. 🫣😉 And literally translated, Eowyn (pronounced ay•uh•wn) means “joy from horses” in Old English.
Please remember to give the horses plenty of space at all times – especially the foals. They are very fragile, impressionable, and unpredictable. Parents can also become aggressive and protective if they feel threatened. Help us ensure that Eowyn and the rest of this years foals grow up healthy, safe, wild, and free.

Hello, Ezra!

Join us in welcoming the newest member of the herd, a colt named Ezra. He was born about a week ago to a very experienced mother and both are in excellent condition. All of this mare’s other foals have been black with no markings so we were excited to see that this little guy was not only chestnut, but also has a star on his forehead. Color and markings make absolutely no difference to the horses, but they sure make it easier for us to identify them when they’re older. 😉
If you are lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the family, please remember to stay at least 50ft away from them at all times regardless of whether you’re on foot or in a vehicle. Crowding them can cause unnecessary stress and can also habituate the foal during this very critical stage of his development. Causing a traffic jam around the horses is dangerous for them, other drivers, and pedestrians – please be sensible, respectful, and law-abiding if you are driving on the beach this spring and summer.
Ezra is the third foal born in 2024. The first was Eros, a colt born in February, and there is one other foal that we estimate to be about a month old. We have not yet been able to determine if it’s a colt or a filly. That group lives primarily in the marsh and we do not see them often, but they did bring the foal out to the beach very briefly one afternoon a couple weeks ago. Mom and foal both look healthy, which is the most important thing!

Raymond has a companion, again.

Blossom, who was rescued in October after tearing a ligament in her front leg, has been doing really well. Her latest check-up indicated that the leg has healed and fused as much as it’s going to, and all things considered, she is remarkably sound. Since this coincided with Junior coming home from the hospital and needing the medical stall/paddock we started considering other living arrangements for her.
We knew that Blossom and Raymond had lived together in the wild, and since they’re about the same age, in about the same physical shape, and have the same dietary requirements we thought…it’s worth a try, right?
Raymond, despite his reputation, is pretty defensive and uncomfortable around other animals, and very sensitive to changes in his environment and routine. In the five years he’s lived with us we’ve never been able to find another animal he was happy sharing space with; he stops eating and gets very touchy and unhappy. Raymond’s paddock can be split in half, so we closed the gate and put Blossom on the other side so they could be next to each other but still separated by a fence. That went pretty smoothly. Raymond hid from her to begin with, but then got brave and came out to stand next to her at the gate. However, by the next day we noticed that Raymond had stopped eating. At first we thought it was because of Blossom but then we realized it was because we’d moved his hay from its regular spot. So after we fixed that, he went back to eating like normal. Have we mentioned how neurotic he is?
After about a week of everyone behaving normally and seemingly comfortable with things, we took a deep breath and opened the gate. Because they are both very old and not in the best physical shape the theatrics were kept to a minimum. They made a few faces at each other, pretended to kick out a few times, and that was it. They settled in and started eating hay next to each other and the rest is history!
They both still seem very happy after a couple weeks of cohabitating. Blossom likes having someone to boss around and Raymond enjoys feeling like he’s in charge of something again. It’s been a great confidence boost for him. They definitely still keep to their own space a lot of the time, but we’ve caught them napping together and eating out of the same pile of hay a few times too.
We’re so glad that these two could be successfully reunited. It’s great for their emotional well-being and it makes husbandry a bit easier for us. The other option we were considering for Blossom was putting her with her daughter June, but if we fed June the type and amount of hay her mother needs she would explode! So this works out best for everyone. We’ve dubbed their little pasture the old folks home, and we know everyone will be looking forward to seeing them in person at open houses this summer. They sure are cute together!
Blossom and Raymond both require special care in their old age, and you can help offset the cost of that by sponsoring them. Your support helps us buy the hay, grain, and daily meds they need, provide specialized hoof trimming, and any other veterinary needs that arise.
Sponsor Raymond or Blossom (or both!): https://www.corollawildhorses.com/horse-sponsorships/

Junior is home and doing well!

We are so pleased to let everyone know that Junior came home from the hospital on Monday! He is doing remarkably well, and settling into his new routine at the farm. Our vet was over to check on him this morning and was happy with the way everything looks – his incision/sutures are in great shape and healing nicely, he’s eating and drinking like he should, he’s bright and alert, and all the internal stuff seems to be working properly.
Junior is being extremely reasonable and level-headed about being on stall rest and he’s also adjusting just fine to the fact that he can no longer eat regular hay. This is a relief, since prior to surgery Junior’s favorite thing in the world was his hay. Instead he is getting five small meals of senior feed throughout the day/night along with soaked hay pellets. We’d like to say a special thank-you to Christina with Triple Crown Feed for helping us figure out the best way to feed Junior (based on our veterinarian’s recommendations, of course!) to assure he’s getting the right nutrition and that mealtimes are enriching too.
He is allowed to go on several short walks throughout the day to eat some grass, which he really enjoys. After a month of stall rest he’ll be able to go out in a small paddock on his own, and then after a month of that he can have access to a larger pasture. The contraption you see wrapped around his middle is to help support his abdomen and prevent hernias; he has to wear it for another six weeks and we think if you asked him he would say it’s the worst part about all of this! It’s very itchy. But he’s taking it in stride, just like everything else.
We are so grateful for your support over the last two weeks, from everyone who reached out to check in on our staff and offer prayers and positive energy for Junior’s recovery, our colleagues and partners across the country who have been so kind to share their experience and advice (and sometimes just an understanding ear to vent to), our veterinarians and all of the caregivers at the hospital, and everyone who made a donation towards Junior’s veterinary bills.
Junior still has a long way to go before he is fully recovered from surgery and he will require very specialized care for the rest of his life but so far he’s telling us it’s nothing he can’t handle. We are committed to being there for him every step of the way and will continue to keep everyone posted on his progress.

Junior’s Emergency Surgery

On Saturday morning we noticed that Junior, a resident of the rescue farm, was acting colicky. Because of his history we immediately put an emergency call into our vet, who advised us to give him some painkillers while she started heading our way.
After horses have colic surgery, they are predisposed to developing adhesions on their intestines that can cause irritation. This is actually what sent Junior into surgery for the first time last year, so he was already at high risk. When our vet arrived at the farm, she gave Junior more painkillers, a sedative, and did an internal exam. She could feel an area on his small intestine that seemed to be inflamed and possibly causing strangulation again. An ultrasound confirmed this, so she got us on the road to the emergency hospital in Raleigh.
Upon arrival, the veterinary team began to prep Junior for surgery. At that point there was a concern that Junior might not have enough healthy tissue left to take out what was damaged and repair what remained. We had some very frank discussions about the likelihood of having to euthanize him on the surgery table if they were unable to successfully operate. We said our goodbyes and they took him into surgery around 4pm. After about an hour, the vet came out and told us they were optimistic they could repair the damage. But, after this operation, Junior would not have enough small intestine left to do any further surgeries. They assured us it was still worth operating, so we gave them the go ahead to do everything they could to save Junior.

Junior coming off the transport trailer at NC State

Junior arriving at NC State

He made it through surgery and recovery just fine, and has been stable and comfortable since Saturday evening. He is still not out of the woods, but his intestines are working like they’re supposed to, he’s bright and alert, his vitals are normal, and he’s happily eating as much feed as he’s allowed to have. As of today, Junior has been moved out of intensive care and taken off fluids, and is gradually being taken off all medication. We’re not sure how long Junior will be hospitalized, but we are tentatively planning on going to visit him towards the end of this week.
Junior is going to have a long recovery ahead of him, but based on how well he handled it last time we are sure he’ll settle right back into the routine with no problem. But for right now we are taking things day by day, and celebrating every positive update we get from the vets.
He is a remarkably strong, smart, tough horse – a fighter, just like all of his ancestors that came before him. We will continue to do everything we can to provide Junior the support and care that he needs to survive and have a high quality of life moving forward, but this does come at a cost. If you’d like to help with Junior’s substantial veterinary bills you can make a donation on Junior’s Donation Page of our website: https://www.corollawildhorses.com/one-time-donation…/
We’d like to thank our veterinary team both here at home and at NC State College of Veterinary Medicine & Veterinary Hospital. It’s hard to put into words how grateful we are for the care and respect you consistently show all of our horses, and the support you provide to our staff as we navigate these difficult situations.
We will continue to update everyone on Junior’s progress. Thank you for your donations, your prayers and positive energy, and the trust you have in us to do what’s best for him.

Fly Over the 4×4

Had a great flight with Coastal Helicopters, LLC yesterday! Counted 72 horses (out of 111), five bald eagles, lots of swans, and a bunch of dolphins too. It’s a great opportunity to see parts of the habitat we can’t access easily (or at all, in some cases). The horses have about 7500 acres of land to roam, varying from wetlands and maritime forests to the more heavily developed neighborhoods and oceanfront properties. They utilize all 7500 acres at different times of the year so it is important that all of it remains safe and healthy for them.
Learn more about our habitat preservation initiative: https://www.corollawildhorses.com/land-preservation…/

Welcome Little One!

The first foal of 2024 is here! Welcome little one!
We are still not sure of the sex so we don’t have a name to share with you, but the most important thing is that he/she is in excellent condition, and so is mom. She is an experienced mother – the harem also includes her 2021 filly. We estimate the foal to be around a week old.
Remember, if you are lucky enough to see them please keep your distance! Stress can cause all kinds of issues, including rejection and aggression from the adults. Foals are also very impressionable at this age and habituate easily. It is very dangerous for you if the mare or stallion feels threatened – they will not hesitate to charge and you could be trampled, bitten, kicked, or all three.
Thank you for helping us make sure this foal has the best chance at growing up healthy and wild!

We are so proud of Meg, our Director of Herd Management!

We are so proud to share that Meg, our wonderful Director of Herd Management, has been recognized as a 2023 Southerner of the Year by Southern Living!
Meg’s dedication to the Banker horses inspires us at the Fund every day. She is incredibly hard-working and an invaluable part of our team. We cannot think of someone more deserving of this recognition!
Thank you, Meg, for everything you do for the wild horses, the rescued horses, your colleagues, and the community. We are honored to work alongside you, serving the Fund’s mission to protect and preserve our beautiful horses.
From Southern Living:

Meet The 2023 Southerners Of The Year

The trailblazers supporting and preserving our region’s people, places, and tradition

Corolla Wild Horse Fund

Corolla, North Carolina

As the herd manager for the Corolla Wild Horse Fund (CWHF), Meg Puckett is the face of the most famous herd on the Outer Banks. It’s a big job. Since 2016, she’s been on call 24-7, though she says she loves every “sweaty, heartbreaking” moment of it. The Banker mustangs have become her life, and working with them means so much to her that she sometimes struggles to speak about it without crying.

Preserving these treasured animals amid an endless stream of tourists is a complicated dance. Puckett likes to say that “it takes a village,” but it also takes education, which is where Facebook comes in. She uses CWHF’s page to provide an unfiltered look at all that goes into caring for the more than 100 wild horses, as well as the struggles they face on a daily basis. It’s not always pretty, but that is often the point.

Puckett considers the fund’s ongoing program with the Equus Survival Trust to be her greatest accomplishment on behalf of the herd. CWHF collects DNA to be processed and analyzed to better understand the breed and its 500-year history. They’ve even mapped out family trees and, with help from NC State University, started a sperm bank.

In just a few years, this research has elevated the work of CWHF in the eyes of the scientific community. As Puckett puts it, these animals have always been special, but now there’s proof. With this data, CWHF can accomplish its goals of maintaining the mustangs’ natural environment and keeping them wild. Puckett says, “The research has established them as an endangered breed worth saving.”

The original article containing the full list of incredible Southerners Of The Year can be found here:

Blossom is doing great!

We wanted to give everyone an update on Blossom – she is doing great!
She’s gained some weight over the last few weeks, and her torn ligament seems to be healing well. She’s considerably more sound now and settling into life at the farm. We’ve been working on teaching her to lead, which is a little tricky since she’s on restricted movement. But slow and steady wins the race, and she’s coming along really nicely. She is such a sensible, sweet old mare. We’re glad we can provide her with a safe, quiet place to live out the rest of her days.
Thanks so much to everyone who has contributed towards her vet bills and other care – we are so appreciative of the support! If you missed the post explaining what happened to Blossom and why she was removed from the wild, you can read about it here: https://www.facebook.com/100064552759707/posts/698836058944813/?mibextid=cr9u03