Wild Horses and Waterfowl Habitats

URGENT: Read the letter filled with false claims sent by Ducks Unlimited that is negatively impacting the critical legislation to protect the Corolla wild horse herd as well as the response by our Executive Director. If you are a local hunter or come here to hunt, you know that the wild horses have no impact on the duck population – or the subaquatic vegetation. In fact, on September 13, 2012 as he and our Herd Manager conducted our aerial herd count (which is 119 not 140 as stated by Mr. Hall), the Currituck Wildlife Refuge Manager remarked that there was more subaquatic vegetation than he had seen in a long time. Please write, call, or email H. Dale Hall; Senators Hagan, Burr, Inhofe; Boxer; Warner and Webb and let them know, that as a hunter, or a member of Ducks Unlimited you are outraged by these false statements and ask these Senators to pass the Corolla Wild Horses Protection Act. Time is running out.

Ducks Unlimited Letter to the Committee on Environmental and Public Works

Corolla Wild Horse Fund Executive Director’s Response to Ducks Unlimited


Ducks Unlimited: http://www.ducks.org/about-du/contact-du-online

Environment and Public Works Committee, Barbara Boxer, Chair http://epw.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=ContactUs.ContactForm

Senator Kay Hagan:  http://www.hagan.senate.gov/contact/

Senator Richard Burr: http://burr.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Contact.ContactForm

Senator Mark Warner: http://www.warner.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?p=Contact

Senator Jim Webb:  http://www.webb.senate.gov/contact.cfm

Felix – Available for Adoption

Felix was removed with his mother, Flicka, on September 12, 2012 after he ingested fishing line and possibly a hook. He was examined by our veterinarian who did an endoscopy […]

2nd Annual Mustang Music Festival

October 13 & 14, 2012
Gates Open at 1:00pm
TimBuck II Shopping Village
Corolla NC

Two full days of incredible Music, creative Art, great Food, craft Beer and fine Wine at Mike Dianna’s Grill Room in Timbuck II Shopping Village. This benefit for the Corolla Wild Horse Fund was a huge success last year and you should consider joining us while we all have a blast raising more funds to Protect and Preserve the North Carolina State Horse.


Wild Horses of Corolla Video

Every year in Corolla, wild horses lose their freedom because people feed them and get too close to them, putting them in danger. You can help keep them wild and free by respecting the Currituck Wild Horse Ordinance.

Voice of the Horses Video

Watch this inspiring slide show of the Corolla Wild Horses in their natural habitat, set to the music of “The Voice” by Celtic Woman.

Saving the Horses of Kings on the Northern Outer Banks Video

The Corolla Wild Horse Fund, with generous support of Wild Horse Winery and Vineyards, are working together to save the heritage horses of the Outer Banks. When you enjoy Wild Horse Wine, you are helping the Fund meet its mission of protecting, preserving, and conserving, the critically endangered wild Colonial Spanish Mustang. Help us keep them “wild and free.”