Welcome to the 4×4, Drum!
April 23, 2023

April 23, 2023
One of the most common questions we get from property owners is “what can I plant that is safe for the horses?”
The simple answer is – go native! Native plants are always the best choice for our fragile environment. The North Carolina Native Plant Society has a wonderful resource for this: https://ncwildflower.org/recommended-native-species/ By planting native species you are helping our local wildlife, from deer and horses to pollinators like bees and bats. Native plants are also more guaranteed to thrive in the harsh conditions on the Outer Banks, and help with soil conservation and ground water management.
If you’d like to go a step further and make sure that your yard is horse-friendly, here is a list of native plants you might find in our area that are dangerous to horses: https://onslow.ces.ncsu.edu/2018/05/plants-weeds-toxic-to-horses/ Note that not all of them are deadly, and many of them grow naturally anyway but aren’t really a threat to horses since they rarely eat them. The one native tree that we ask people to avoid planting is red maple – we have lost horses to red maple poisoning in the past.
One thing to always avoid – oleander. There is oleander all over the Outer Banks, but it is not native and it is highly toxic to both animals and people. There are lots of native shrubs that grow just as well here that aren’t harmful!
As for grass, you can’t go wrong with a local pasture mix. At the farm on the mainland we’ve had good luck with Kentucky 31; it grows well, is hardy, and safe for the horses. Make sure the seed you get is endophyte-free. Tall fescue grass can be infected by an endophyte fungus that is highly toxic and will cause pregnant mares to abort. Ryegrass is ok for horses in moderation but it does contain high levels of sugar and can cause health issues in horses predisposed to laminitis and metabolic issues. Clover can cause a condition called slobbers (excessive drooling) and is also high in sugar and protein; we’ve found that the wild horses don’t really like it that much anyway. Keep in mind that while this grass is generally safe for the horses, not all of it is native to our environment.
Thank you for helping us make sure the horses stay safe, and continue to thrive in their habitat!
Report from Meg Puckett, Herd Manager
Last Thursday morning we noticed that Junior was acting a bit colicky. Colic in horses can be caused by any number of things, from stress to gas, bad feed, secondary to another issue, or just about anything in between. Luckily our vet was right around the corner, and already on his way to us for a previously scheduled, non-emergency appointment. When he arrived at the farm he immediately began to treat Junior for colic, which included a rectal exam to check for any blockages or twists in his intestines (neither of which were found), administering pain medication, and giving him fluids through a nasal tube. Junior responded somewhat well to treatment, but within a couple hours was displaying signs of being uncomfortable again. At that point our vet referred us to the hospital at North Carolina State University in Raleigh.
We arrived at the hospital around 5:30pm where Junior was admitted and vets worked through the night to stabilize him and try to figure out what exactly was causing the colic. Friday morning they scoped him and found a section of his small intestine that was highly inflamed, and fluid that was collected indicated a very high white blood cell count. Junior was taken into surgery Friday afternoon where vets discovered he had strangulating lipoma. This is when a fatty cyst attaches to the intestine and damages it. The surgeons were able to remove several feet of damaged intestine and repair what was left, perform an abdominal lavage, and administer medication directly into the affected site. Junior did really well during surgery and while recovering from anesthesia.
The days immediately following surgery have been difficult, but Junior has been slowly heading in the right direction. He still has an abdominal drain inserted and is on antibiotics, but yesterday he was taken off IV fluids and pain medication and has handled that well so far. He’s eating a small amount, and the vets hope to increase his food intake little by little every day. Overall he is doing as good as anyone could hope for, but he is still in critical condition. We anticipate at least a ten day hospital stay for him, and then four to five months of recovery at home before he’ll be able to resume a somewhat normal life. He will live with an increased risk of colic and the formation of lesions on his intestines, but all of that is a bridge we will cross when we come to it. For right now we are taking things hour by hour and hoping that he continues to improve a little each day.
Thanks to everyone who has reached out over the last couple days to check in on June! She continues to do well – our vet is very pleased with how well she’s healing.
Today was a big day because June decided to voluntarily come inside her stall! It was a major show of trust and comfort on her part. We’re so glad she feels safe with us now. She also got to take a little walk around the farm this afternoon to stretch her legs and eat some grass. That will be a daily occurrence for her now – she was so well behaved and really enjoyed it. She’s started to become affectionate with us and seeks out attention, and she REALLY loves meal times.
She got her last dose of the pythium vaccine this week, and will be on antibiotics for a bit longer but overall she simply could not be doing any better! To say we are thrilled is an understatement. All the photos in this post were taken today.
We have some bright news to share on this gloomy day – after 20 days spent in the hospital, June is home! She still has a ways to go before she gets the all-clear from our vets but she is doing very well, and improving every day.
Earlier posts about June’s rescue and hospitalization:
June has been settling in at the farm and we’ve spent the last few days getting to know each other and getting into a routine. She can’t be in the same paddock with other horses yet, but she’s sharing a fence line with Virginia Dare and Buttercup, and Junior and Riptide are about 20ft away from her so she’s got plenty of friends close by. She’s eating and drinking really well (gobbles up her meds twice a day like a champ!) and while she absolutely refuses to stand inside a stall, she’s got the option to go in and out if she wants to. She likes to be scratched on her face, and can easily be caught, led around, and cared for. She’s still a chestnut mare though, and doesn’t let you forget it – iykyk.
She will get her final dose of the pythiosis vaccine this week, and there have been no signs of the infection returning. While there is always a chance that things could go downhill again, at this point there is no reason to think she won’t continue on the right track. (It’s important to note that the vaccine has only been proven effective when administered after infection – it is not a preventative.) The wound on her leg looks fabulous, with lots of healthy new tissue growing every day. She is sound and showing no signs of discomfort.
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of you again for the support. June’s substantial vet bill is covered because of your generosity – everyone who donated, shared our posts, and wished June well played a large role in saving her life. And not only have we saved June, but hopefully what our vets have learned from her will help save other horses too. So little is known about this awful disease, and other horse owners dealing with it may not have the resources to put into treatment that we do. Vets may not always get the opportunity to follow through from start to finish, but with a case like June’s (and Riptide’s) they are able to learn more and more about the best ways to treat pythiosis. It’s also an incredible teaching opportunity for the NCSU veterinary students.
And speaking of vets and hospital staff, what can we say besides thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We are so lucky to have such an amazing team of compassionate, brilliant people working with us. It has been a pretty awful month and a half for our staff and those close to our organization, and your support through June’s recovery and also during the week we were trying to save Ceres is so greatly appreciated. Thank you for the respect and empathy you’ve shown not just the horses, but us humans too.
In case you missed it, we are having an open house at the farm on October 15 from 10am – 2pm. If you are local or happen to be in town that weekend, please stop by and welcome June home! Check out our events page for more info.
We have some devastating news to share this morning. Late last night we made the difficult decision to euthanize 6-week-old filly Ceres due to a very severe case of pythiosis. She was in the same harem as June, the mare who is currently at NC State being treated for the same infection.
Ceres was seen by one of our staff on Saturday, September 10 with no visible wounds and was behaving normally. The following Monday, September 12 at around 8am, staff saw her again and a lesion had developed on top of the coronary band of her right front hoof. We immediately contacted our vet, who confirmed that it was most likely pythiosis, and we spent the entire day coordinating between ourselves and the vets at NC State to come up with the best plan of action. Since Ceres was so young, there were additional challenges that we don’t face with adult horses that require extra planning and logistics. We came up with a plan for capturing her and the hospital in Raleigh was prepared to admit her as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, after Monday the horses disappeared and despite hours and hours of exhaustive searching, we were unable to find them. Finally, this Tuesday one of our staff noticed what looked like foal hoofprints going into some very thick brush where there are no roads. She got out and walked as far as she could and was able to see the horses in the distance. Ceres was up and moving around, so we knew she was still alive and able to walk. We couldn’t get to them, but at least we knew what area to focus on. Then yesterday, the group came out of the deep woods and luck was on our side as we were able to get them all trapped under a house. Under the advisement of our vet, our herd manager sedated Ceres and we were able to safely move the adult horses out from under the house and then get Ceres onto the horse trailer and back to the rescue farm. Our vet met us there around 9pm to examine her and do x-rays.
The damage to Ceres’ hoof and the bones in her lower leg was irreparable. The infection had set into the bone and her hoof was sloughing off. She was in a great deal of pain and while on one hand it is always difficult to make the decision to euthanize, in a case like this we knew there was no other choice and that it was the right thing to do – beyond the shadow of a doubt. Ceres was laid to rest late last night next to the mares’ pasture, so that she’ll always have her aunts looking over her.
The rest of the harem is doing fine this morning. Ceres’ mother called for her during the night, but as of right now they have all settled down and are grazing quietly.
In anticipation of questions we will surely get:
Why did it progress so quickly with Ceres, while June is recovering and responding so well to treatment? Ceres was only a little over a month old when she contracted the infection. Her immune system was basically non-existent, just like with babies of any species. Foals are remarkably tough in some ways, but incredibly fragile in others.
Is pythiosis contagious? Could she have passed it on to her mom or the other horses? No. It cannot transfer between horses, or from horses to humans. There is no risk of the horses passing it on to each other, even with direct contact to the lesion.
Why is this happening? Where does the pythiosis come from? How do the horses get it? Pythiosis is a fungus that grows on decaying plant matter in water. When we don’t get solid freezes in the winter, bacteria, fungus, and other pathogens can grow rampantly. Unsettled weather patterns (flooding rain immediately followed by months of excessive heat) exacerbate the problem. It enters into the body through an open cut – something as small as a pinprick could lead to the infection. The horses’ habitat is primarily marshy, swampy, wet terrain. There is no feasible way to test for pythiosis and isolate areas where it is present, and there is no way to remove it from the environment. We are keeping our fingers crossed for a very cold winter.
So what can we do? First and foremost, property owners need to make sure there is nothing in their yards that the horses can get tangled in that causes cuts and abrasions to their lower legs. Wire, sand fencing, ropes, other garbage – please, please clean it up. We are seeing an increase in the amount of poorly constructed, unsafe fencing in the area where June and Ceres lived. The horses get caught up in it, walk through contaminated water, and then end up with the infection. If you want to enclose your property, build a solid fence. High-tensile wire can be a death trap. Help us keep an eye on the horses by looking at bellies and lower legs. If you notice a wound, let us know. We are monitoring horses in affected areas very, very closely and the more eyes, the better.
If you’re wondering why it was so difficult for us to locate the horses once they disappeared, this post will help you better understand their habitat: https://www.facebook.com/corollaw…/posts/10160021432653330
There is a lot more that could be said about the disease, management, treatment, and future research, but hopefully that helps answer some common questions. We have an amazing team of vets who have gone above and beyond to support us as we navigate this, and we continue to learn from each and every case. We are grateful for your continued support as well, and appreciate everyone understanding that right now our staff is grieving and heartbroken and may not be able to respond to every comment and question right away but we will do our best.
Media outlets: Photos and information from this post can be shared, credit to CWHF. At this point we have no further comment beyond the information provided in this post.
There are photos of Ceres’ wound in the comments of this post. Please be advised that they are graphic, but it’s important to us that people see the severity of what we are dealing with and also know what to look for in other horses.
Welcome to the world, Cosmos!
This colt was born sometime between Thursday night and early yesterday afternoon. He is big, strong, and healthy, and his experienced parents are doing fine too. It’s not uncommon for there to be a couple fall babies born every year – we still have a few months of warm weather ahead of us and our winters are generally pretty temperate. Nothing to worry about there.
Please remember to give foals and their families plenty of space. Mom and baby need time to bond and recover from birth, and stallions (especially this little one’s dad) can be aggressively protective. The herd faces so many challenges that we do not have control over; please do not harm the horses by breaking the rules that are in place to keep you and them safe.
1130E Corolla Village Road
Corolla, NC 27927
(252) 453-8002
Mar 14 – Apr 5: Fri & Sat, 11 am – 3 pm
Apr 9 – May 3: Wed – Sat, 11 am – 3 pm
May 6 – Season: Tue – Sat, 9 am – 3 pm
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